1. 入住時間(check in):15:00-20:30。(Check in time: 15:00-20:30) *晚於20:30請主動電話連絡。(If you will arrive after 20:30,please contact us.)
2. 退房時間(check out):11:00之前。(Check out time: Before 11:00.)
3. 入住時請提供身分證件,以供登記,並繳清餘款。
4. 本民宿全面禁止抽菸,違反規定,依當地法令須罰緩新台幣一萬元整。(All our room is Non-smoking,please cooperate.)
5. 請勿攜帶寵物入住。(No pets allowed.)
6. 逾時退房半小時加收300元,以此類推。(Once you check out over time ,will charge NTD300 for extension per haif hour.)
7. 個人貴重物品請自行攜帶或房內備有保險箱,如有遺失恕不負責。
8. 20:30後,大門會上鎖,外出請務必攜帶房卡。(The lobby's door will be locked at 20:30,please carry the room-key with you.)
9. 外出請妥善保管好房卡,遺失需支付手續費 新台幣500元。(Please take good care of the room-key,once you lost have to pay NTD500.)
10. 住宅周圍寧靜,22:00後,請降低音量,勿大聲喧嘩,避免影響其他旅客的權益。(Please turn down the voice after 22:00.)
11. 旅客入住後,房內設備如有故障,民宿業者有權要求賠償。(During your stay if the room are facilities damaged,please pay for the charge.)
12. 加床每人NT.500(含備品)。(加床採預約制,並非所有房型皆能加床,預加床請先與業者聯絡及確認)